Wednesday, December 16, 2015

How to Get System Details Using Command Prompt

कमाण्ड प्राम्प्ट के द्वारा कम्प्यूटर की डीटेल जानें

Take the WMIC command, for instance. It has astonishing scope and a huge set of features: the program can return useful information about your system, control running programs and generally manage just about every aspect of your PC -- all from the command line or a convenient shortcut.

Open The Command Prompt With Administrator Priveledge. To do this...Press Start > Type cmd > Press Ctrl+Alt+Enter Key At Once

If This will ask Yes/No then Select Yes... & There You go

To know the detail of the motherboard or PC 

wmic baseboard get product,manufacturer
wmic bios get name
wmic BIOS get serialnumber
wmic product list brief
wmic service list brief
wmic process list brief
wmic startup list brief
wmic service get /format:hform > d:\services.html
wmic product get name
wmic product where name="mspaint" call uninstall
wmic process where name="iexplore.exe" call terminate
wmic process where name="notepad.exe" call setpriority 64
wmic /node:jetking-pc service list brief

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