Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Mapping Network Drive With CMD Prompt...

First of all I want to explain about Mapping, suppose there is a shared resource on your network and you need to access that resource frequently then each time you access that data you have to type the network address(IP Address) of that machine.

If you want to make shortcut of that data on your local machine then type the following command

 net use z: \\\sharedfolder

in my scenarios its

net use z: \\\myname

in the above example the shared data name myname and we want to make shortcuts of that data in my machine as my local drives having the drive letter of Z Drive like the following image.

now we are successful in creating a mapped network drive having letter Z.

Rajnish Jaiswal

Accessing Shared Resources With CMD Prompt...

Suppose your network have a computer with ip add and having shared folder named myname & you want to access that folder on your machine, first check network connectivity with ping command

 if connectivity is fine between these two pc then run the following command in your command prompt


Now you are done with accessing the shared resource

Rajnish Jaiswal

Sharing Resources with CMD Prompt....

Step1:- Suppose we have a folder/Directory name King in E: drive & we want to share that with command prompt.

Step2:- In above picture there is directory name king in e: drive.. & we want to share the same 


but by issuing this command only Read permission will be granted to the users like in the following example.

Suppose we want to grant Change permission for that folder then modify the above command. so that users can modify the data after accessing that folder.

net share king=e:\king /GRANT:everyone Change

ok you are done with sharing your data.

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